Customer Testimonials

We welcome feedback from customers about the service they have received from
Please email our Customer Service Team with your feedback on any aspect of the service we offer, new products you would like to see on the website, and areas where you think we can improve.
Customer Service Team

Hi Mandy,


Just wanted to say thanks for such a wonderful service - my friend was delighted with her birthday present. (PS - the presentation of the bottle in the gift box was really nice!).


Congratulations on such an easy to use website. I will certainly use you again and definitely recommend you to my family and friends.




(March 2010)
Thanks for your follow-up call yesterday. Great service and order received before 10:00am this morning!
Will spread the word ..
(May 2010)
Dear Sirs,
Just a quick note to say well done on such an efficient service. I ordered on Wednesday and received my Laurent Perrier Rose the next day! It arrived well packed and was exactly as per your website description.
Thanks again! 
(July 2010)
Thank you very much - a pleasant surprise and good champagne.
Thank you also for an excellent service.
(August 2010)
Wow. Such a quick answer to my question. Thanks Harry, I look forward to my Champagne arriving tomorrow ...
(September 2010)
I was very impressed with your service, was able to speak with someone and as promised the champagne was delivered the next day.
(December 2010)
Thank you for flawless service! Very pleased and will be recommnending your site.
(January 2011)